
Showing posts from July, 2022

New Site: Ecclesia Christi Baltimore

  Beginning this weekend, my homilies will move over to a new media platform I'm co-launching called Ecclesia Christi Baltimore . Please consider becoming a subscriber! 

15th Sunday of the Year (C)

The title of the fifth book of the Bible, Deuteronomy, is the combination of two Greek words meaning “another” or “second” law. Today’s First Reading is taken from the conclusion of this “second law”, and, there, Moses’ speech suggests that the People of God have accepted the law he has spoken to them and must now put into practice what they have been given: the law “is something very near to you,” Moses assures them, it is “already in your mouths and in your hearts; you have only to carry it out.”  Every Sunday, the Church, the new People of God, gathers to listen to God’s law proclaimed to them with the expectation and command that they will “go forth” from the Mass to put what they have received into action. Yet practicing God’s law presumes the People have accepted it; and as even the smallest degree of awareness indicates, like Israel of old, some Catholics today struggle to accept what the Church teaches, particularly on issues of morality. Rather than being “near” to them an...