13th Sunday of the Year (C)
The most recent installment of the Star Wars saga turns around Obi-Wan Kenobi’s startling realization that his padawan apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, who he thought he had left for dead, in fact, lives in the ruthless and fearsome Sith lord Darth Vader. Obi-Wan must now contend with the fact that his own student, whom he once loved as a brother, has utterly rejected his master’s teaching and has instead fully embraced the dark side of the Force to advance his reign of terror in the galaxy. If we can take the premise of Obi-Wan as an analogy of the Christian life, we would find that the startling realization on which our lives turn goes in the opposite direction. We are not one and the same as Anakin Skywalker, although we do share with him a divided heart. As we recognize our own failure to adhere to the teaches of Christ our Master in preference of our pride, we look at ourselves in the mirror and ask, “What have I become?” Our sin and its destructive force with which it wreaks ha...