8th Sunday of the Year (C)
The Church is about to embark, beginning this Wednesday, on her annual “campaign of Christian service” which we call the season of Lent. We will undertake voluntary acts of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We will set firm resolutions to give something up or to adopt a new charitable practice among the works of mercy. We will deprive ourselves of various pleasures and delights. We will strengthen our resolve to turn away from sin and to be faithful to the Gospel. We will do all of this because we desire to change. We know that we are not what we should be, and we’re grateful that the Church gives us this season of Lent each year for us to work on ourselves. And yet, however great our determination may be to make this Lent matter, chances are in the coming weeks we will quickly find ourselves struggling to keep even the smallest of those resolutions. Somewhat frequently, I go without eating breakfast or lunch; sometimes the day carries me from one thing to the next and I don’t eve...