4th Sunday of the Year (C)
Nearly 70 years ago, a young Italian priest found himself on a train sharing a compartment with some high schoolers. This being Italy in the 1950s, it was rather natural for a conversation between a priest and young people to revolve around religion, as they, like practically every Italian, were all Catholic. Yet the priest quickly picked up on the fact that these young people only had a tenuous grasp on the basics of the faith. They knew their prayers, but not much else. What was worse––and what shook the priest to his core––was that to these young people, the faith simply didn’t matter; it was irrelevant to their lives. Their belief in God, in Christ, and in the Church had nothing to say to their everyday lived experience. This priest’s name was Father Luigi Giussani, and this encounter on the train changed Father Giussani’s life because it opened his eyes to a tremendous crisis––a crisis, as he saw it, at the level of education. Father Giussani soon after asked his bisho...